Chinese investment is being prepared for a tannery in Tajikistan

Chinese investment is being prepared for a tannery in Tajikistan

A large Chinese company wants to invest in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan. The main investment is the construction of a tannery. Work on its construction could start in June, if the bureaucratic process for the identified land is completed. Last year more than 1.1 million hides of cattle and other small species were produced in Khatlon, writes Azer News.

The investment

The Chinese Fuxin Xinyida Agriculture & Industry Trade Company intends to build a tannery in Tajikistan, we said. It also plans to build a factory for the production of wool. Both would exploit the local livestock heritage. The announcement came at the end of a visit by the CEO of the Chinese company, Gao Jong Tao, to the region. And he told himself so to the governor of the region, Davlatali Said.

During the meeting, the province’s bilateral relations with Chinese companies and the functioning of Tajik-Chinese joint ventures in the area were discussed. According to Asia-Plus, construction work on the new tannery could start as early as next June. This would be a way to make the most of the local pastures. “Unfortunately, only 0.4% of the leather available in the region has been processed so far”, Said concludes.

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