“In 2020 we expect to open the first store in New York. For two seasons now we have been in Japan, then we will also be in England and Korea. And later we would like to go to China, too”. The growth of Blauer, a brand that was born in the States, but with a strongly Italian identity, comes from the expansion into foreign markets. Enzo Fusco, managing director of Vicenza-based FGF Industry, has explained the business development plans to L’Economia, supplement of Corriere della Sera, for twenty years partner of Blauer and who recently became partner with a 50% share. The brand concluded 2018 with a turnover of 42 million euros, plus the 10 deriving from licenses for shoes, accessories, eyewear and perfumes. “In 2019 the forecast is an increase by 20%” assures Fusco, a long-time consultant for luxury brands such as Armani, Versace and Saint Laurent. The current season for Blauer, who can rely on a style office in Villa Borromeo (Padua) and a productive one in Montegalda (Vicenza), is a bit slow: “Unfortunately the somewhat unstable climate of this last period – shares Fusco – did not favour sales in stores”. A growth strategy, we said, passes through internationalisation: today 40% of revenues comes from foreign countries, and this share is meant to grow.
US brand, with Italian DNA: Blauer’s projects, up by 20%