Lineapelle New York opens horizons

Lights out in Manhattan: Lineapelle New York opens horizons

The lights that were turned on on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, over Manhattan to illuminate the return to the Metropolitan Pavilion of Lineapelle New York, have gone out. The fair closed on Thursday, giving general reassurance to its 119 exhibitors. And demonstrating that it has positively radicalised its dimension as an event that realistically opens up horizons for growth in the North American market.

Lineapelle New York opens horizons

There was an interesting concomitance to test at Lineapelle New York. That of a very active US market in the light of the simultaneous attainment of currency parity between the euro and the dollar. Something that had not happened for 20 years and that, apparently, did not create any particular apprehension or enthusiasm at the fair. In fact, some tanneries confirmed the interesting trend of the fair, which moved along two tracks.

First: the traditional and consolidated customers, present and quite operational. Second: many start-ups on an exploratory mission to understand how and to what extent they can expand and differentiate their supply network. Some exhibitors were “happy with currency parity, because it could strengthen relationships with certain customers”. Others, on the other hand, describing “concrete contacts with some important new customers” discovered the importance of Lineapelle New York. Because it is a fair, as written in the first lines, that opens horizons.

Lights out in Manhattan

Sixty Italian and 59 foreign companies exhibited at Lineapelle New York. They were divided as follows: 91 tanneries, 8 manufacturers of accessories and components, 13 of fabrics and synthetics and 7 of chemicals and other types. In the spotlight were the first creative steps of the collections for Autumn-Winter 2023-2024 in the light of the Possible Worlds mood developed by the Lineapelle Fashion Committee. Among the novelties of this edition were the exclusive One To One Meetings with customers and stakeholders, entitled Responsible Italian Leather Lounge.

This project went hand in hand with the presentations held behind closed doors the day before Lineapelle New York (July 12, 2022) with a group of US interior designers. Objective: to present and explain the green power of Italian leather. Also positive was the presence at the fair, renewed and evolved, of Mipel Lab, the Italian sourcing hub of excellence specialising in the production of leather accessories.

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