The overall number of exhibiting companies, coming from 48 countries, increased by 4.1% compared to the previous editions. We already knew about this figure on the eve of Lineapelle 95th edition. Yet, it is even more relevant today, since over the three days of the fair event (on the agenda on September 25-27) the number of visiting enterprises, which showed up at “the fashion & luxury industry international trade business show”, as announced by organizers in a press release, went up by 2%. It turned out that international visitors augmented, up to 49%, and also reinforced their number in terms of nationalities (they were coming from 105 different foreign countries). Such trend confirms the global profile of the exhibition, dedicated to leather and materials for the fashion industry, and also makes the fair the perfect stage for networking and worldwide exchange of views. In example given, while flicking through data processed and supplied by organizers, we spot a remarkable increase, in double figures, of companies coming from China and the United States. It is no coincidence, then, that both countries, currently involved in a commercial war that is also affecting the leather industry, decided to come over to Lineapelle95 to share and discuss their views. “We had not participated in the fair since 2013, as we were stuck in a number of problems that hit our country – points out Andriy Shevchenko, vice-president of Ukrainian Vozko –. This year the company is going to turn 40: we therefore decided to come back to Lineapelle to celebrate our history”. “We are extremely happy about the fair trend and results – remarks Dino De Maio, DMD Solofra –, for the number of encounters and their quality, as well as for the interest our visitors clearly showed”. Next Lineapelle edition, focused on Spring/Summer 2020, will take place at Fieramilano Rho on February 20-22.
Lineapelle95 is more and more international: “That’s the best place for networking”