In 2018, footwear and leather goods sales accounted for 13,7% of global revenues coming from France’s fashion industry. Such data are emphasized in a financial analysis recently carried out by IFM, Institut Français de la Mode (the French Fashion Institute): according to them, the overall turnover of the fashion industry reached 154 billion euros, therefore increasing by 3 billion euros compared to the year before. Overall revenues have been mostly driven by textile and apparel sales performance: both industries reached together 66,3 billion euros, which account for 43% of total earnings. Perfumes and cosmetics follow closely behind: their turnover, which accounts for 30%, amounts to 46,4 billion euros. Footwear and leather goods shopping comes immediately after, as global revenues reach 21,2 billion euros in total; scrolling down, optical items account for 5,6% (8,7 billion euros), then watches and jewellery, which reach 7,3 billion euros in terms of revenues (they account for 4,7%), and finally services, which account for 2,7% (4,2 billion euros). According to data provided by IFM, 49% of total turnover derives from retail sales, 26% from manufacturing, 22% from wholesale and the remaining 3% from linked services. Ultimately, nearly 40 billion euros, coming from sales, rely on foreign shopping, out of France: abroad the industry currently employs, both directly and through satellite activities, around 617,000 people.
France’s fashion figures: business turnover reaches 154 billion euros, shoes and bags account for 13,7%