Bovine leather becomes an instrument of artistic expression thanks to project Coriacea, promoted by UNIC – Italian Tanneries, in collaboration with Lineapelle and Consorzio Conciatori from Ponte a Egola. Coriacea is an exhibition that comes to Lineapelle96 after having been successfully set up last November in San Miniato (on the occasion of the 48th Exhibition of the White Truffle Market). It can be visited in Pavilion 11, along Lane A, and includes the works of 12 artists: Luca Bellandi, Fabio Calvetti, Claudio Cionini, Elio De Luca, Fabio De Poli, Franco Mauro Franchi, Giuliano Giuggioli, Riccardo Luchini, Mario Madiai, Giovanni Maranghi, Paolo Nuti, Marcello Scarselli. The curator, Filippo Lotti, explains that “using this support, which was not born to be painted, is certainly a particular idea, more unique than rare” which allows to create a very solid link between “the activity for excellence of the territory” and art, building” a story from leather to leather”. Coriacea, as commented by the president UNIC – Italian Tanneries Gianni Russo, “is an artistic project” that allowed “the encounter between images and materials”. An encounter that “has had an engaging effect and is gratifying for us, as it is a combination of art and industry, thinking that the artist has “created” deriving inspiration from what our industry produces every day”.
Lineapelle96 as an art gallery: artists’ bumps from project Coriacea at Pavilion 11