Tradition and innovation meet in Japan’s Naga-Banten

I Naga Banten

Visitors can admire twelve Naga-Banten, exhibited at hall 11, coming from the Tokyo Leather Fair: its latest edition, held in May 2019, has been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the event.

Fire fighters

The Naga-Banten models, on display at Lineapelle, are part of a collection of 50 cloaks recalling fire fighters uniforms, in the ancient Tokyo. Children attending the Fuji Elementary School of Asakusa hand painted them; fashion designer Kansai Yamamoto has overseen the work. Leather cloaks, formerly created for the Japanese exhibition, spotlighted, at Lineapelle, Japanese traditions and habits.

The past and the future

They are a symbol of the meeting between the past and the future generations, while encouraging creativity. They asked children to refer to sun, Fuji Vulcan, Japan’s flag colours and blue shade as well. They eventually created odes to joy (a message of strength and courage) alongside interesting landscape pictures. Not to mention graphic designs and geometrical patterns, put on by 50 dancers in Tokyo, last May.

Tanning techniques

Made by various companies, by using different tanning techniques, they are all unique pieces. Despite their providing the same model, final works are completely different. Kansai Yamamoto himself presented them in Milan: he showed a video about the children, fully engaged in creativity and supported by the designer’s creative vitality. After all, it is not that news, as Kansai Yamamoto is famous for his continuous desire for surprise, research and experimentation.


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