The Conseil National du Cuir (CNC) proposed to raise the quality of French calf’s leather. The situation seems critical. During the sixth International Vitello Symposium (organised at La Baule by Interbev on 25 and 26 April), the French organisation explained that “only 15% of the tanning raw material has the necessary quality for the high-end segment, whereas only 5% can be destined to the luxury production. “Damage to leather is primarily due to the scars left by infections, parasites and injuries that cattle experiences in the stables and during transport. The rather new problem is that of veins and stretch marks which, according to CNC, seems to be linked to the different feeding process offered to the calves to have them ready when they arrive at the slaughterhouse. For this reason, the French leather chain warned the farmers to pay greater attention to the conditions of the farms by investing in vaccinations and structural adjustments that can avoid to calves unnecessary trauma. In return, the CNC agreed on working on a traceability project that will let you know the origin of the leather with the best quality. (In pictures: calfskin with ringworm)
Crawlers and veins. French calf leather is a disaster. “Only 20% of leather is suitable for luxury”. CNC launches an appeal to animal welfare and traceability