Nigeria’s prospective leather business will be planned and set in the United Kingdom, in London. In fact, in the British capital city it is about to kick off the Pan African Leather action, a project that aims to enhance international cooperation to revamp and boost the leather industry in Nigeria’s Northwest area: here, in fact, they are going to open a tannery and a footwear factory. Both industrial sites, which will be managed by a start-up enterprise, will be built up in Sokoto city; they are due to work at full speed within two years, supposedly. Pan African Enterprises, a social platform, headquartered in London and focused on expanding Nigeria’s economy and industrial production, will oversee the implementation and development of facilities. Following the first plants, they are planning to create an international tanning and leather manufacturing cluster, aiming to support domestic economy and consequently foster new jobs. Tukur Umar, President of Sokoto Investment Company Limited, who’s acting as a public broker to promote investments in the area, pointed out that “at present, Nigeria’s top priority is creating new jobs to subsequently tackle the problem of youth unemployment”.
Pan African Leather: a connection between the UK and Nigeria to tackle, thanks to leather, youth unemployment