“Things are changing very quickly: footwear manufacturing is getting closer and closer to consumers’ markets, thus reshoring towards the major European manufacturing countries; on the other hand, China, where production costs are going up, has reduced its own market shares in favor of other Asian countries where such costs are cheaper”. That’s the big picture presented by João Maia, general manager of Apiccaps, during his opening talk to inaugurate the 89th edition of Expo Riva Schuh. Giovanni Laezza, chief director of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi (fairs and conferences organization), and Cinzia Malvini, lifestyle and fashion columnist, took part in the debate as well. Maia emphasized the importance of exhibitions, “which enable sellers to create a straight connection, especially nowadays, with buyers, who want to see the goods with their own eyes”. A close analysis of the market dynamics shows that India keeps paying attention to the domestic market, thus enhancing their consumer profile. The same goes for China, who has considerably reduced their footwear export share on a worldwide scale. The USA slow down, while Russia speeds up again. During the opening talk they also presented, timing was perfect, the big innovation to be implemented in the next edition of Expo Riva Schuh: “Gardabags”, a new project which aims to fulfil the range of commodities to be exhibited at the fair through a qualified selection of leather bags, belts and accessories.
At Expo Riva Schuh reshoring comes true: “Production gets closer to consumers’ market”, says Apiccaps