Indeed, Delvaux have been going a long way, in less than ten years. In fact, “the longest–established luxury leather goods manufacturer in the world”, like its chief executive officer loves to say, has been remarkably investing in the retail business to hit the big time in the international markets. On top of that, the number of corporate employees, dedicated to manufacturing their accessories, has been considerably increasing over the years. “We are currently running three production sites, one in Belgium and two in France – points out Jean-Marc Loubier, president and chief executive officer of Delvaux, while speaking to MFF –; over the last 5 years we managed to create 500 jobs for the artisans we formerly trained in our centres”. The manager, who is also the managing director of First Heritage Brands, a division of Fung Capital Company, which has been the owner of the Belgian brand since 2011, granted his interview during the inauguration of a new store in Rome, a few months after the opening of another store in Milan. Delvaux were not running any shops in Italy before. “When we started our business, we had just 11 boutiques, all of which in Belgium; international sales abroad just accounted for 3% of our global turnover – wraps up Loubier –. At present they account for 90%, while we are running 43 sales stores”.
Delvaux speed up in retail and jobs: “We hired 500 leather goods dealers in 5 years”