The emir of Qatar has an almost insatiable appetite. According to Il Sole24Ore, the military wing of the Qatar royals, the Mayhoola fund, owner of Valentino, Pal Zileri and Balmain (among others), seems set on doing more shopping in Italy, acquiring the top sneaker brand Golden Goose, which underwent a review of the company structure a year ago, passing under the umbrella of Ergon Capital. Mayhoola might not be the only contender for the label, also coveted by Carlyle, Bc Partners, Lion Capital, Riverside, Chequers and Charme. A substantial group of potential investors which, according to the newspaper, are willing pay out at least €350 million to take home Golden Goose. An extremely high figure for a brand whose 2016 EBITDA should reach €33 to 35 million. Considering that Mayhoola is known for buying at dizzying figures, it is easy to imagine that, in this “race”, it might be the winner (again).
The emir does not stop: Mayhoola aims to acquire Golden Goose top sneakers