Brazilian meat comes in contrasting signals. Some positive. The JBS multinational seeks 523 new employees for Mato Grosso do Sul slaughterhouses. The manoeuvre reports how the Batista brothers group wants to return to pre-crisis production levels. IMEA, Mato Grosso’s Institute for Economic Analysis, writes that in the first six months of 2017 slaughter in the region (central in the Brazilian meat chain) was 2.2 million. The worst result from 2010 to today. Meanwhile, the US has suspended the import of Brazilian fresh meat until date. The Green Gold Government hopes in a quick lockout solution not only for the commercial value of the US market but also for the fear that Washington’s rejection can engender a domino effect. The Philippines announced the suspension of the importation of all types of meat from Brazil due to a game infected with salmonella.
JBS assumes 523 employees in Mato Grosso, but Brazilian meat is still in the storm