Two factories closed layoffs and forced vacation. Latest news arriving from the Argentine press, report that on February and March, weekend shifts have been cancelled, 230 workers of a factory are disposing of arrears holidays, while for the 480 another the plant is evaluating to anticipate 2018 Summer vacation. Since last October, already two establishments have closed down for a total of about 170 employees laid off. The crisis of the Argentine footwear is also afflicting the bairense subsidiary Alpargatas. The Brazilian company JBS Group produces a very wide range of footwear, mostly sporty in canvas, leather and synthetic material for menswear, womenswear and childrenswear. Alpargatas, last fall, boasted in Argentina nine production plants and just under 3,400 employees. According to local press, business leaders attribute the crisis to the collapse of domestic demand. Plant productivity has passed from 85% in 2015 to 57% today. To complicate matters even liberalisation approved by the Government Macri, increasing imports – especially from Asia tissues – putting out domestic production market.
The crisis of the Argentine footwear and the opening of customs ruins Alpargatas