USDA expects meat business to expand in 2019: USA and Brazil are doing great, Australia and India slow down

Worldwide livestock and farming industry is expected to enjoy a boost in 2019, slight though (+1%), however positive. Such is the economic forecast provided by USDA, the United States Department of Agriculture, about standards of red meat production and commerce. In the next year, the United States and Brazil are going to expand their production and export (respectively +4% / +3% and +3% / +5%); conversely, Australia is expected to slow down (-5% / -7%). International demand for meat, which keeps increasing, especially in the emerging countries, will considerably drive the volumes of international trade (USDA estimates 10,6 tons of meat to be sold on the global market). In addition to Australia, the US Department of Agriculture also highlights, in their report, India’s declining trend: in fact, Indian export of bovine meat will supposedly amount to 1,6 million metric tons, while going on along a negative trend. India’s export of meat started dropping in 2014: at that time volumes used to reach over 2 million tons of exported product.


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