A forensic explanation about leather circularity: at Lineapelle a seminar to take (necessary) stock of the situation

Save the date: Thursday, February 21, from 2pm to 4.30pm. Anyone who is going to turn up at Lineapelle, scheduled next week, at Fieramilano Rho, had better save the date and time. Visitors will therefore be given the opportunity to attend a workshop, “Italian Leather Circularity – Total Sustainability”, arranged by UNIC – Italian Tanneries, in cooperation with Confindustria and Lineapelle. It is, especially today, a necessary event which – point out organizers – “is also going to supply, beyond words, a gallery of products and accessories manufactured by a few companies, in the leather industry, by making use of production scraps”. Aquarno, Ebarrito, eMOTIVI, Favini, Figli di Guido Lapi, Maprotec, Motta Pelli, Regenesi and Re-new will exhibit their articles.

On the one hand tanners well ennoble something discarded by food industry; on the other hand, someone else will variously recycle, at different levels, scraps coming from the production process (both tanning and manufacturing). The result is a very valuable circle which will be spotlighted during the event, on the agenda next Thursday at Lineapelle: focus on its boundaries and prospective development. “Italy’s tanning industry – point out at UNIC-Italian tanneries – is a reference model for circular economy. In fact, thanks to a modern, systemic and cutting-edge industrial attitude, they successfully convert a food waste into a material filled with quality and excellence. Furthermore, in doing so, Italy’s leather industry has been forerunning Europe’s strategy about bio economy: in other words, they managed to go beyond their own sectorial boundary as their own production scraps turn into raw materials to be used by other industrial systems. Consequently, they have been able to carry out a real symbiosis with the whole value chain”.

Event attendance is free. Click here to download Lineapelle’s location and the complete plan of the works.



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