Conceria Gaiera looks at photovoltaic energy results after a year: 260,000 kWh of energy production and reduced emissions of CO2 (-130 tons)

The importance of figures is the starting point to fully understand and tell about the project carried out by Conceria Gaiera (placed in Robecchetto con Induno) together with Unet Energia Italiana. After slightly more than one year since the initial implementation of the project, the tannery takes stock of results. More specifically, we are talking about a photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the manufacturing plant: since its first switch-off in July 2017, the Lombard tannery was able to produce, throughout the year, 260,000 kWh, in terms of energy; over 15 months, from July 2017 till October 2018, production of energy amounted to 330,000 kWh, “therefore going beyond expectations formerly set while designing the project”, point out Unet technicians. 85% of the energy volume was self-consumed by Gaiera to meet 20% of their internal demand, while the remaining 15% was input into the network. In addition to that, such employment of photovoltaic energy helped the tannery reduce emissions considerably. In fact, over 12 months reduction of emissions of CO2 accounted for 130 tons, which went up to 160 tons over 15 months. “This system – remarked Chicca Miramonti, from Gaiera – is boosting our production and, as well, is going to enhance our entire sustainability plant, which we started through the implementation of suitable machinery to manage our resources, water most of all, properly and ultimately pay full attention to the local area”. In fact, Gaiera is one of the companies most involved in a municipality project that aims at the refurbishment of the industrial sewage pipe: such commitment, remarks Giorgio Braga, who is the mayor of Robecchetto con Induno, makes Gaiera “a corporate prime example”. Moving back to the photovoltaic system, the project hangs on the cooperation between Gaiera and Unet Energia Italiana, a selling company that actively plays in the electricity and gas free trade market. They met up, points out Giuseppe Pirola, president of Unet, “in a volleyball court”. In fact, Gaiera and Unet are some of the sponsorship supporters of Uyba Volley Busto Arsizio (women’s premier league), of which Pirola is the president.


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