Safety and reliability: Anaconda certified ICEC’s anti-Covid certification

Safety and reliability: Anaconda certified ICEC’s anti-Covid certification

Safety and reliability. These are the principles that Anaconda (located in Ponte a Egola) plans on following with the Anti-Covid Certification. The Tuscan tannery obtained the certification “Specifica Tecnica ICEC TS422”. In other words, as explained by ICEC, the certification for the “gestione dell’emergenza Covid-19 nelle aziende della filiera della pelle” followed by third-party manufacturers and chemicals’ providers as well. “This is the type of effort and attention that we have already put in place to safeguard our health – explained the owner Sandra Testai -. But also, to guarantee our clients and collaborators that ours is a safe and pleasant work environment, beside from transmitting optimism”.

Safety and reliability

“The attention for sanitary and safety measures that we already has is being increased – says the entreprnuer -. Ours is a small company with just 10 people, so distancing wasn’t hard to ensure. There are never more than 2 people in the same room and we haven’t been forced to make major changes to the schedules”. What changed is the attention towards the cleaning products used and the focus on limiting external entries. “There no longer is a ‘coming-and-going’ of people inside our structure, and we have taken all necessary measures for visitors. Moreover, we disinfect once a week by vaporizing the proper products as stated in the safety protocols”.

Communicating Optimism

“We wanted to communicate our optimism – says Testai -. We want to believe that this situation will be resolved soon, though we have gotten used to a type of behavior and norms that will continue to be applied even after. Ours is a demonstration of our reliability and attention, which is further proved by ICEC’s certification. We will continue to focus our efforts on respecting such measures, hoping that our clients will note the safe and positive work environment we are trying to guarantee. Luxury multinationals with which we work have very strict standards to respect. We hope that, with the necessary slowness, such measures will get less strict”.


“This very peculiar phase led us to make a move that, while difficult, provided a better environment for our employees”. Anaconda decided to anticipate the payments of the layoffs” to its employees (and wait to receive reimbursement from the government), as well as awarding a “production bonus” to its employees in May, rather than supplying it via multiple installments.








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