They involved 24 brands and 1,875 manufacturing companies, mostly Chinese (26%), then Bengali (13%), Turkish (10%) and Indian (8%). Italy was the first ranked European country, reaching a 6% share. As regards formulators, there are about 550 of them, and registered products exceed 13,000 units. ZDHC, a project that aims to reduce, and subsequently remove, the employment of hazardous chemicals in the fashion industry, presented its data figures at Lineapelle95. Submitted results are about the engagement, on a global scale, of textile enterprises, which have joined the “Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals” programme for a while, and leather companies, whose participation in the project is underway. Among others, UNIC- Italian Tanneries, ICEC, the Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector, and SSIP, Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti (the Italian Leather Research Institute) are currently supporting the programme. ZDHC offers an overall approach, which aims to thoroughly address, from whichever point of view, a specific issue, that is, the implementation of a sustainable chemistry for the fashion system. In doing so, they provide the leather and fashion industry with several services, such as database, validation and comparison of information, on an international scale. Talking about tanning and tanning chemistry, ZDHC is expanding, all over the world, its network of chemical testing labs, while opening new facilities in Italy too.
At Lineapelle95 ZDHC presents its figures while announcing innovations in the tanning chemistry