“Spain’s footwear manufacturers are currently facing some difficulties: business is actually slowing down – points out Pedro Vives, managing director of the Spanish division of Comelz, a machinery manufacturing factory –. They closely look at innovation, they collect information, they would like to make investments, but not all of them can afford it”. Futurmoda, the footwear materials and components fair, which took place in Alicante on October 17-18, has just come to an end. Spain’s footwear business proves to be dynamic after all. In fact, although Spanish footwear entrepreneurs are not in their best shape (for the records, the same goes for their peers in the rest of Europe), they want to act against the difficult situation anyway. “Spain’s manufacturers have managed to build up their reliability and, as well, they succeeded in well positioning on the market in terms of prices – admit at the stand of Eurosuole, from the Marches –: they are strong and reliable”. Fair enough to trust them and their abilities: “Once again Spain’s market turned out to be a quality business”, wrap up from Strass & Cristalli.
The gauge of Futurmoda: for machinery and components manufacturers Spain’s market “wants to try”