Unity is research: CEC unites 9 European footwear institutes

L’unione fa la ricerca: CEC unisce 9 istituti calzaturieri europei

Unity is research. Nine European research institutes have joined forces to jointly develop their footwear business. All under the coordination of CEC (European Footwear Confederation). The memorandum of understanding was signed during the last Confederation Assembly, held in late November in Brussels.

The objective

The objective of this platform is “to contribute to creating a new generation of footwear products: European and with a high added value”. To succeed, “we need to promote footwear research and knowledge creation in Europe”. In other words, take action “collectively for the benefit of footwear companies”. CEC stresses that “the competitiveness of the European footwear sector depends largely on the ability to innovate in materials, processes and products to improve the quality of life of consumers”. And to develop research it is necessary to share information.

Who joined

In Europe, therefore, unity is research involving, in order: CTC (France), CTCP (Portugal), CTCR and Inescop (Spain), Footwear Research Center of Tomas Bata University (Czech Republic), Politecnico Calzaturiero (Italy), PFI Pirmasens (Germany), Lukasiewicz-IPS Institute of Leather Industry (Poland) and Satra (United Kingdom). The next steps will see the definition of a research agenda and the organisation of work groups. Reference themes: advanced materials, innovative design solutions, better fit and comfort. But also intelligent technologies and a more sustainable and circular product life cycle.

Image from cec-footwearindustry.eu

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