The check for 11 million Euros is for continuing to grow. Mayhoola For Investments bets on Anya Hindmarch, British brand of leather goods, which has recently extended its offerings to include footwear. The amount seems (or rather is) fairly small compared to what the fund has given to the brand Valentino. But it is a signal. Qatar-based investors know a good deal when they see it: Fashion Network reported that Anya Hindmarch’s revenue grew 20% in the last year, equal to 46.1 million Euros. The brand in question took advantage of the lower exchange rate of the British pound, and by doing so made its products more advantageous to the international public. The brand grew also in Asian marketplaces, European ones, and North American ones, where it aims at further developing its retail web. Qataris saw Anya Hindmarch as a winning horse on which to bet.
The bag that flies: Anya Hindmarch grows and gets 11 million from Mayhoola