The average salary of Chinese workers in 2016 was $ 3.60 per hour: three times the value of 2005. The wages of blue-collar workers in Beijing is now higher than that of colleagues in Brazil and Mexico (where the pay of the decade is rather dropped) and almost to the level of those of Greece and Portugal. It supports the Euromonitor International study centre (on Eurostat data, Chinese Statistical Office and International Labour Organisation) in a report picked up by Financial Times. According to the study, the increase in wages links to the progressive growth of productivity: the salary in manufacturing grew by more than that of other sectors, such as agriculture and construction. Today’s level of wages, the study concludes, has repercussions on international balances (and this is plain for all to see): those who continue to seek low-cost production transfers the lines according to the conveniences in South East Asia, Europe or in Latin America. The Chinese government, meanwhile, works on migration from the economic model “World Factory” to the new identity of the manufacturing country which does economic efficiency their competitive edge.
Manufacturing in China is no longer convenient: the salary of workers in Beijing tripled in 10 years. Brazilian and Mexicans are cheaper