“With Hillary on power nothing would have changed. At least Trump promised changes. We hope there will be a shift in the relations with Russia, where there’s already a desire for a change” declared Eugenio Scheggia, from Montegranaro shoe factory Spring (Mario Bruni) . “Europe and Italy remain in the middle between the US and Russia, but we are impatiently waiting for a change with Trump “. Rdb (Montegranaro) Ronny Bigioni who returned from Russia before the Election results were confirmed said: ” When I left, we were still waiting for the result. However, in Moscow, they were hopeful for Trump’s victory as he could have reinforced US-Russia relationships. Once the news of Trump’s victory broke, Putin was the first to congratulate the new president. If the US loosen up on sanctions against Russia, it will be good also for Italian shoes on the Russian. The right conditions are already in place, with the arrival of the cold season and the new-found stability of the ruble.” More than the lifting of trade sanctions on Moscow, the Marche shoe entrepreneurs are hoping for the restart of the Russian economy. Even Marino Fabiani, from the eponymous shoe label in Fermo, and the” Laboratory Coordinator for ‘Russia Assocalzaturifici’ does not hide his satisfaction for Trump’s victory” “Trump is an entrepreneur and knows what it means doing business and economy”.
Marche shoe entrepreneurs hail Trump Presidential election hoping he will stop sanctions against Russia boosting Italian shoe sales in the Russian market