New York World Leather Congress designs the future of leather

A New York inizia World Leather Congress

The aim is rather evident: to foster a leap ahead while speaking and discussing about leather, presenting it, and, at the same time, telling about leather identity and modernity. A cultural leap, most of all, so to speak.

The organization

Such purpose is going to innovate the fourth edition of the World Leather Congress, scheduled in New York (at the Metropolitan Pavilion), tomorrow, July 16. Here are the organizers of the event: American LIA (Leather Industries of America) and USHSLA (US Hide, Skin and Leather Association), together with ICT (International Council of Tanners). Not to mention the effective and valuable support of UNIC – Italian Tanneries and Lineapelle, whose spin (Lineapelle New York) in the Big Apple is due to kick off tomorrow, and will conclude on Thursday 18.


Compared to past editions, this year the event will considerably enjoy a cultural light, while aiming to provide a suitable moment for debating and sharing views based on a specific concept: Leather in Everyday Life.

The importance of talking about it

During UNIC recent assembly, they firmly stressed the fact that leather is permanently under attack: such criticism, coming from several sides, often triggers fake news and misleading interpretations of the tanning world (and even more). That is why we need some events, such as the World Leather Congress 4, to emphasize and spotlight leather modernity. Along with its use in everyday life. In fact, we can find leather in objects, accessories and clothes we all use every day. Sometimes, often unconsciously, we consider these items more interesting and more precious just because they are made of leather. Taking all that in consideration, WLC4 is ideally the most appropriate moment to talk, in an innovative way, about sustainability, circularity, innovation and fashion.

Prospective goals

At this point, the congress will have to tackle a new topical issue. After telling about leather industrial, historic and cultural heritage, along with its fashion (the term also includes design and automotive industry) importance, it will have to focus on a more ambitious goal: to design the potential future of leather.


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