Capri Holdings vara tagli e licenziamenti per salvare la liquidità

Capri Holding cuts costs and employees to remain liquid

Number one goal: remain liquid. Capri Holdings expects the pandemic to force stores in Europe and the USA to remain close at least till the end of May. A severe lockdown that the US multinational, owner of Michael Kors, Versace and Jimmy Choo intends to face by cutting salaries and give furlough to its employees […]

L'intesa dei Domenicali: Lamborghini e Ducati per la ripartenza

Domenicali’s agreement: Lamborghini and Ducati aim at restarting

They aren’t related, but they do have the same name and are, in some sort of way, colleagues. We are experiencing their agreement: Stefano Domenicali, CEO of Lamborghini and Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati, agree that Italy’s industry must recover. Contingencies to prevent the spreading of Coronavirus must of course be implemented. But plants cannot […]

Se ne va Sergio Rossi (85), fondatore dell'omonimo brand

Sergio Rossi (85) has died: he was a protagonist of Made in Italy

Footwear fashion mourns one of the most prestigious representatives of Made in Italy: Sergio Rossi has left us. The famous fashion designer died yesterday with Coronavirus, at Cesena hospital: he was 85 years old. His life story has been mirroring the economic boom Italy enjoyed, when we climbed the roof of the world, thanks to […]

Loewe, Balmain, 1.000 altri: CRV si combatte con le web community

Loewe, Balmain, 1,000 others: CRV is fought with web communities

Keeping in touch with customers at the time of Coronavirus? You can with a web community. There is no other way at the moment. Brands, from the largest to those less popular, have implemented “high creative content” digital ad strategies: those who focus on culture, those who have transformed followers in aspiring designers, those who […]

CRV segna la fine di André. Timothée Paris e Me.Land in fiducia

CRV brings André to bankruptcy. Timothée Paris and Me.Land are confident

CRV has brought André to bankruptcy. The historic footwear brand, formerly in difficulties, is in receivership now. French footwear is not going to give up though. In fact, some younger brands, such as Timothée Paris and Me.Land, are more confident and take initiatives to get past the current situation. Coronavirus brings André to bankruptcy The...


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Per Pittards il '20 si apre con tante incognite, dopo un buon '19

Pittards to face a very uncertain 2020, after a positive 2019

Dealing with a decreasing demand and a rather uncertain outlook. Things are like that for Pittards too, as 2020 looks quite problematic. The British tanning and leather goods group made public data and figures about 2019, along with their outlook for this year. “The new year has begun with a downturn in demand”, commented President […]

USA, la pelle, che ha vissuto un 2019 difficile, ora teme CRV

US leather industry fears CRV after going through a difficult 2019

In the end, 2019 was not an easy year. In the meantime, Coronavirus, whose impact is still unpredictable, is about to affect the next months to come. US raw hides and skins fear CRV outbreak now. LHCA (Leather & Hides Council of America), the association representing traders and tanners in the USA, put the matter […]

Donatella Versace e Marco Bizzarri spiegano il futuro della moda

Donatella Versace and Marco Bizzarri explain the future of fashion

Fashion and fashion shows post Coronavirus. Donatella Versace and Marco Bizzarri (Gucci’s CEO) explain the future of fashion. The positions of the two protagonists have many similarities, from the shows we will see, to the evaluation of Conte Government, up to fashion as a tool to dream and rejoice again. The future of fashion In […]

Il progetto didattico in collaborazione con la locale Hongik University prende il via domani

Lineapelle Award returns to Seoul: the MasterClasses become virtual

Creativity does not stop, even in these dramatic moments of health emergency. And the same goes for the training projects organised by Lineapelle and UNIC – Italian Tanneries. Therefore, despite the temporary impossibility of carrying out frontal lessons, as scheduled Lineapelle Award returns to Seoul. The educational project in collaboration with the local Hongik University […]

La Germania ai tempi del CRV: “Prepararsi a una recessione”

Germany at the time of the CRV: “Be prepared for a recession”

Shops closed and, every day, over 10 million unsold items including shoes, bags and clothing. Adidas, Deichmann and H&M stopped paying store rents, causing criticism. Germany at the time of CRV tells of a number of leather goods and shoe factories that go on with their business activities as usual. But also of many others...


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Nel 2019 fa 1,4 miliardi: Tempe migliora ancora il suo record

1.4 billion in 2019: Tempe holding on laying off employees

Every year, for the last five years, history has repeated itself, and 2019 is no exception. Tempe continues to improve its numbers, thus deciding to not lay off its employees. The company creates, manufactures and distributes footwear and accessories for the Inditex Group closed the fiscal year with revenue of 1.4 billion euro, +6.2% in […]

Volkswagen brucia 2 miliardi a settimana e chiede aiuto alla BCE

Volkswagen is burning 2 billion each week and asks for ECB’s support

The Coronavirus pandemic represents both a cost and a risk for Volkswagen. The geran group is burning about 2 billion euro of liquidity each week, and is now asking, as reported by the Financial Times, the ECB for support: to buy short term debt to guarantee the company is liquid.  2 billion per week “We […]

Faurecia reagisce a CRV: organizza il credito e riapre in Cina

Faurecia reacts to CRV: organises credit and reopens in China

The Coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, and the effects are all to be evaluated. But Faurecia reacts to CRV, or at least begins to organise its restart. The automotive supply group reviews credit lines to ensure the liquidity needed to face the crisis. And above all, while it is forced to close in the rest […]

Il verdetto di Bain&Co: il lusso chiude il 2020 al -25% per CRV

Bain’s verdict: the luxury industry will lose 25% for the CRV emergency

Bye-bye growth: we will be talking again of it in 2021. That’s the summary of what said by Bain & Co with regards to the Coronavirus pandemic’s effect on luxury. No more “single digit growth”, as previously forecasted in the Fall, but a decrease of turnover that could be equal to -25% on yearly base, […]

CRV cambia il lusso: per gli analisti “è dura, ma pure una chance”

CRV modifies luxury: “It will be tough, but also an opportunity”, say analysts

The Coronavirus pandemic is going to modify luxury. It could not be otherwise. According to analysts and observers, it is going to be a tough challenge. Yet, at the same time, the business will also enjoy an opportunity. Vogue Business carried out a (comforting) survey while interviewing a number of buyers in China: they therefore...


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USA: 15.000 negozi (e Neiman Marcus) a rischio, Nordstrom licenzia

USA: 15,000 stores (and Neiman Marcus) at risk, Nordstrom to lay off

US retail is going through a tough time indeed. Neiman Marcus might even go bankrupt. Nordstrom are about to lay off. Such are the early alert messages coming from the retail business, which could be compelled to shut down thousands of selling stores in 2020, owing to the pandemic, currently underway, which dramatically brings back […]

Cina, il revenge spending per ripartire: intanto la concia ingrana

China’s recovery relies on revenge spending. Leather tanning takes off meanwhile

V stands for vengeance. Chinese government is going to rely on people’s revenge feeling to recover and enjoy a restart after Coronavirus crisis. Since infection cases keep decreasing, China is going to count upon the so-called “revenge spending”, that is, people’s desire to make up for lost time. In so doing, consumption and shopping will […]

Dalla Cina: Stella International e il suo modo di gestire il 2020

Focus on Stella International and their acting, from China, throughout 2020

Safeguarding their operating stability and tackling new business segments: such are the two pillars on which Stella International are planning to build up again 2020 activity, playing from China. In doing so, they aim to overcome Coronavirus outbreak emergency. In 2019, the footwear group, headquartered in Hong Kong, faced several up and down vicissitudes. Revenues […]

Argentina, le autorità obbligano le concerie a ritirare le pelli

Argentina, authorities are forcing tanneries to withdraw the hides

Authorities are forcing tanneries to withdraw raw hides from slaughterhouses. And Argentine tanning risks a short circuit. On Saturday March 28th, the secretary of the Federación de Industrias Frigoríficas Regionales Argentinas (FIFRA), Juan Javier Peralta, posted on Twitter the letter addressed to a group of Argentine tanneries by the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad […]