New Zealand, halfway through the eradication of the mycoplasma bovis disease: 50,000 animals down, and 51 livestock farms purified

The fight against mycoplasma bovis continues in New Zealand: the horrible year for the Oceanic country’s livestock industry ends with 50,000 animals being put down, but the government plan to eradicate the disease counts on doubling that number (from the 126,000 initially thought in May 2018) and plans on continuing testing till 2025. “In this phase – stated New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, with regards to the current fight against mycoplasma bovis, – we trust that the approach we have taken to eradicate the disease is the right one, and we continue to make efforts to forward our plan”. There are currently 32 infected livestock farms: 51 have already been cleared and the farmers have been given 20 million euros, aggregated, in compensation. The disease causes abortions and pneumonia to the affected animal, but there is no evidence it is dangerous for byproducts such as the meat and milk produced, while it is sure it doesn’t compromise the quality of the hides. The bacteria were first found in July 2017. According to the observers, the forced-slaughtering plan hasn’t had an impact on the hides’ market.


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