Alibaba are also committed to struggling, across the board, against fake products and their sales. Such campaign hangs on figures provided by the e-commerce group during the IRP Protection Summit, which took place in Seattle, USA. Throughout 2017, online sales Chinese giant withdrew from their own platform a considerable amount of fake products, whose overall value reached 4,3 billion yuan, that is, around 572 million euros. Very impressive figures indeed. They are even more amazing if you consider their remarkable increasing trend over the last twelve months. In fact, in 2016 withdrawal of fake products amounted to 2,7 billion yuan, that is, 60% less compared to 2017. A massive campaign against counterfeiting proved to be effective a great deal: for the records, over 1,300 advertisements were banned. Companies themselves highlighted such fake products websites, prior to the implementation of a specific supporting project, named “Express Intellectual Property Protection”.
Alibaba stands up against fake: in 2017 withdrawal of products reached 572 million euros, +60% compared to the year before