Tanning in the Made in Italy draft law: “An excellence, it deserves support

La concia nel DDL Made in Italy: “Un’eccellenza, merita sostegno”

The 10th Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (Productive Activities) approves the amendment. And the tanning industry re-enters, as clamoured for by those directly involved, the Made in Italy draft law. Silvio Giovine, speaker of the measure in the Chamber, expresses satisfaction. “The inclusion of the leather supply chain in the Made in Italy draft law is an important recognition for the Italian tanning sector, which is strategic for the national economy”.

Relevant associations also rejoice. “Accepting our proposal to include the leather supply chain in a bill dedicated to the enhancement of Made in Italy products”, comments Fulvia Bacchi, director general of UNIC – Italian Tanneries, “means finally confirming how strategic this supply chain is for Italian manufacturing. Investments in research, experimentation and certification will guarantee an increasing sustainability of production processes and of the product itself”.

Now that tanning is in the draft law

For the leather supply chain to be included in the draft law is not only recognition of prestige and sustainable value. “Thanks to our amendment, the tanning sector”, Giovine continues, “which has a particular need for investment in innovation and ecological transition, will also benefit from the 15 million euros allocated by the Made in Italy draft law for the year 2024, in favour of the activities provided for in Article 8. “Investing in research and innovation is vita”l” adds Matteo Macilotti, director of the Veneto Leather District, “if this sector wants to confirm its leadership in Europe and the world”.

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