Bruno Pavlovsky announces: “Chanel is not for sale and will not be listed. New acquisitions in the air”

Chanel says no to external capital assets and gears up for new prospective acquisitions. For the records, the brand keeps acting according to “transparency and dynamism”, so to speak. After having made public, for the very first time over 108 years, their most relevant financial statement figures (therefore disclosing a turnover that amounts to nearly 10 billion dollars), the French fashion brand is more and more progressively opening to the market. The aim is to hit the business, still playing with their traditional “savoir faire”. Bruno Pavlovsky, chairman of Chanel’s Fashion Division, emphasized a few issues about the fashion company run by the Wertheimer family. While talking to MFF, the manager announced, first of all, that “Chanel fashion brand is not for sale and will not be listed either”. Then he spoke about past and prospective acquisitions. Chanel has very recently bought out Colomer, a Spanish leather tanning group: “Colomer, specialized in wet-blue processing, is the world leading company with regard to quality in the treatment of lamb skins, which are of paramount importance for our accessories”. Pavlovsky himself remarked that Chanel is planning to buy out some more manufacturing businesses, which have been already pinpointed: “Some very small companies, with a great savoir faire, might be soon compelled to close. We must safeguard them”. Such is the plan: industry control and, at the same time, enhancement of its tradition and top quality.


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