San Mauro Pascoli, Casadei and Sergio Rossi talk about their future

San Mauro Pascoli, Casadei and Sergio Rossi talk about their future

In the San Mauro Pascoli district, where footwear artisans are valued. Casadei and Sergio Rossi are talking about their future, about their desire to invest in the stars and stripes market. But above all, they emphasise what is their strong point: the product and those who make it. This is affirmed by Arianna Casadei, appointed CEO of the company founded by her grandparents. This is reaffirmed by Sergio Sciutto, CEO of Sergio Rossi.

The Casadeis talk about their future

Casadei closed 2022 with a 20% increase in sales compared to 2021. And for this year, it is aiming for 30 million euros. Meanwhile, it has made some changes in management. Paola Rossi has been appointed commercial director and Arianna Casadei is, as we said, the new CEO. Arianna is the daughter of creative director Cesare Casadei, and the granddaughter of Quinto and Flora, who founded the shoe factory in 1958. As CEO, she has already charted the course of the company, which generates a quarter of its sales in the USA and another quarter in Europe. While the online channel constitutes 10% of the entire turnover.

Casadei’s goal is to consolidate the brand in its key markets, including the US, the Middle and Far East. Arianna herself is keen to emphasise to WWD how she grew up within the company: “My grandfather and my father taught me everything I know about footwear”. And she believes that the team is important: “I spend a lot of time with our human resources in the company, and this has made me realise even more the importance of our skilled craftsmen”.

Craftsmanship and technology

Riccardo Sciutto notes with QN Economia that Sergio Rossi has emerged “strengthened after these three difficult years. We have managed to secure the San Mauro Pascoli factory, which was our first objective”. The company, which is part of the Lanvin Group, grew in double figures in 2022 “and we have retained our talents,” the manager points out. “Of course,” he continues, “there has been no shortage of sacrifices: we have been forced to close some boutiques in less strategic areas and to postpone at least four new openings in Asia.

But we remain confident: when China starts up again (according to forecasts, from the second quarter of 2023), we will be ready”. Among the goals for 2023, there is a return to the US market. The CEO himself emphasises that the factory is now equipped with 4.0 technology, but production retains its artisanal flavour: 120 steps and 14 hours of work. Because to be sold, a shoe must, first of all, be beautiful.

In photo (from social media) left Casadei models, right Sergio Rossi

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