”The exhibition space – designed by architect Samejima – aims to become a privileged point of reference for leather goods and furniture” as declares Manifattura di Domodossola. The leading weaving company that has been running for the last 100 years, and that is a historic exhibitor at Lineapelle, has opened its first showroom in Tokyo (pictured) “in the heart of the exclusive Akasaka district where the residence of the Prime Minister and the US and Italian embassies are located. The arrival in the land of the rising sun has prompted MdD to make a further announcement: “the creation of two new business units: one dedicated to the production of leather goods aimed at the higher end of the market and another designed to meet the needs of the interior design industry with the production of fabrics and furnishings for residences, hotels and contractors.”
Manifattura di Domodossola: a new showroom and two new business units in Tokyo