Cursed Bonded Leather. Nowadays, in the United States buying pieces of furniture is as risky as straying into a minefield. Scams are around the corner: no wonder, then, customers get deeply disappointed in the end. “Every year Americans spend over 100 billion dollars on home furnishings”- points out the Washington Post, but they often happen to get something different from what they have paid for. Labels and tags are messy and potentially misleading”. The situation is serious: “US government does not monitor the market – adds the daily newspaper -: since 2002 this industry has not been regulated nor supervised by the Federal Trade Commission Act”. Hence deregulation turns advertising and marketing into a total mess: “Business fair players are disaffected by deceitful marketing promoters”. For the records, US consumers are mostly deceived and misled when they purchase “Bonded Leather”, also generically known as leather fibre board. “That’s the upholstery business curse – points out a consultant while talking to the Washington Post -, a thin plastic material that holds some leather particles on one side. Despite the fact that consumers and companies have been mutually engaged in legal arguments because of it, Bonded Leather is still on the market”. How avoiding such trap? “Customers should not buy any items whose label shows PU Leather, Bonded Leather or Bicast Leather – emphasizes the Washington Post -; conversely, they’d better purchase genuine products whose tag shows full grain leather”. Either way, customers should be careful, since price is illuminating: “If it’s too cheap to be authentic – wraps up the consultant -, then it’s fake”.
US Bonded Leather is a “curse”: the Washington Post warns against rip-off