Brazil, the leather chain absorbs the blow in October and sees the light

Brazil, the leather chain absorbs the blow in October and sees the light

Brazil’s leather chain absorbs the blow. During the month of October, raw material sales showed encouraging increments compared to September, together with substantial steadiness compared to 1 year ago. The trend is valid for both volume and value.

Brazil’s leather chain absorbs the blow

According to data by SECEX (Secretariat of Foreign Trade), elaborated by CICB, Brazil exported raw hides, semi-finished and finished leather for a value of 91.2 million USD in October. In other words: about 1.6% more than October 2019. Compared to the month before (September 2020), the value has increased by 8.9% (from 83.7 million USD). Yet, export in the first 10 months of the year reached 770.8 million USD, down 22.5% compared to 2019’s data.

Italian purchases and wet blue

During the first 10 months of 2020, Italy purchased 15.6% of Brazil’s leather exports in terms of value and 19.2% of the volume. In terms of percentages, the data shows a contraction in comparison to 2019: -27.8% in value and 13.4% in quantity. As a whole, during the month of October, Brazil’s export of wet blue lost 27% in value and 12.6% in volume compared to the same month of 2019.

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