Alien changes its “skin”: the new mask is a success

Alien changes its “skin”: the new mask is a success

Alien changes its “skin”. An artisan in the UK, owner of a leather goods store, has made the monstrous mask to be brought by Ridley Scott on the big screen. How? By creating a leather mask inspired by the famous one. A significant effort from a practical standpoint: according to comments made on social media, the object may even find buyers.

Alien changes its “skin”

The lockdown forced people home, but at the same time stimulated the minds of those most creative. The example is that of an artisan and entrepreneur located in Britain, James Body, owner of the Pirates Leatherworks store in York. Mr. Body published a photo on his Instagram profile on July 27th, 2020, in which he was wearing the leather mask himself. The Facehugger (that’s how it was named), takes after a baby of the Alien race and when worn it appears as if the “creature” is actually attached to the victim’s face.

How the project started

Mr. Body explained in a Facebook post that he has first purchased the project on Etsy. Then, he created the mask by sowing 59 different pieces of leather together. In the days that followed many requests were made to buy the Facehugger, from people located all over the world. Mr. Body decided to create a dedicated pot on his profile to collect the various orders. A “monstrous” success.

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