Paradosso protezionista in Zambia: stop a una nuova conceria

Protectionist paradox in Zambia: stop to a new tannery

First the collapse in exports. Now the stop to a new tannery. Duties imposed by the Zambian government on exports of exotic leathers are having disastrous effects. Last December, the Zambian Crocodile Farmers Association launched the first alarm. Now the costs of those choices are paid for by the development of a new factory for […]

Standard & Poor's declassa Aston Martin: salvataggio a rischio

Standard&Poor’s downgrades Aston Martin: the rescue at risk

Standard&Poor’s downgrades Aston Martin. A very difficult news for the British automaker. And that puts the entire bailout plan at risk. Just now that Canadian billionaire Lawrence Stroll has acquired 16.7% of Aston Martin and Chinese Geely has shown interest. Standard & Poor’s downgrades Aston Martin On Tuesday, March 17th, Standard&Poor‘s revised its assessment of […]

Brasile, frena la carne: JBS e Minerva chiudono alcuni macelli

Brazil’s meat slows down: JBS and Minerva shut down a few slaughterhouses

After a long thriving period, Brazil’s livestock and farming industry has started slowing down. In fact, Covid-19 outbreak is hindering meat, produced by the South American giant. The most important groups in the country are thinking about, possibly in the future, the closure of slaughterhouses. Prudence demands for it (as much as the market feedback). […]

INESCOP prova a rivoluzionare la scarpa con la smart integration

INESCOP to revolutionise footwear through smart integration

INESCOP are striving to revolutionise the footwear production model. In fact, at Elda Technology Centre (in the province of Alicante) they have just inaugurated a digital experience and smart integration system that applies to shoe manufacturing process. The plant consists of a sort of central supercomputer, which coordinates several hardware and software technologies employed in […]

Prada tra la positività del 2019 (+3%) e l’emergenza di oggi

Prada in between “2019’s great progress” and today’s emergency

2019 and present time for Prada has consisted of an inevitable path between the “great progress” (of last year) and the (current) emergency situation. After all, analysts had forecasted a revenue of 3.21 billion euro and operating income of 306 million euro (according to Refinitiv). While 2019 was archived with 3.226 billion euro in net […]

Solidarietà e riconversione, da Prada a Manifattura di Domodossola

Fashion launches a call for temporary conversion

Fashion calls for conversion. Objective: to fight Covid-19. Specifically: to find companies able to temporarily move their production axis to packaging masks (and not only) necessary to avoid the spread of the infection. The president of Confindustria Moda, Claudio Marenzi, has made at the call to all the companies in the sector. Fashion launches the […]

La pelle traina l'Italia: concia e moda tra i Champions economici

Leather tows Italy: tanning and fashion among the economy’s Champions

Leather tows Italy’s economy. ItalyPost research center run a research study on Italian companies that registered the best performances during the period 2012-2018. The list is made of 1,000 companies divided into groups based on their results. At the top of the ranking are the “20 big” companies that have revenues between 500 million euro […]

Fine di un quinquennio da Mulberry: Johnny Coca se ne va

End of a five-years period in Mulberry: Johnny Coca leaves

After five years, Mulberry’s creative director, Johnny Coca, is leaving. For Mulberry, it is the end of a five-year creative period. An end that, among other things, it comes close to the celebrations for the first 50 years of the brand, scheduled for 2021. The English brand has announced that it has already started the […]

Santa Croce, depurazione operativa: “Impianti aperti ad agosto”

Waste processing keeps working in Santa Croce: “Plants will be open in August”

In the leather-tanning district of Santa Croce sull’ Arno treatment plants are running at full speed. Waste processing, operations and customer service, supplied to companies, do not stop. While issuing an official press release, l’Associazione Conciatori (the tanners’ association) of the Tuscan municipality made a public statement about it at the end of a web meeting […]

Dalla pelle a LVMH: la nostra intervista a Fabrizio Masoni

From leather to LVMH: our interview with Fabrizio Masoni

We interviewed (as mentioned in the first lines of the text) Fabrizio Masoni, owner of Masoni Industria Conciaria, on February 19, 2020. The day we meet Fabrizio Masoni and his wife Federica is the first of the last edition of Lineapelle. We are in Fieramilano Rho, it is February 19 of a year, 2020, which […]

Assopellettieri si unisce al coro: #italianleatherneverstops

Assopellettieri join the group: #italianleatherneverstops

Italian leather does not stop. UNIC – Italian Tanneries raised the battle cry. Assopellettieri have joined the group now: in other words, Italy’s beauty and good design industry is not going to give up to Coronavirus outbreak. “We are actually dealing with an epoch-making emergency – commented Franco Gabbrielli, president of the association –. It […]

Sapaf Atelier 1954 incontra i clienti con il virtual showroom

Sapaf Atelier 1954 meets clients in a virtual showroom

“Everything is running at full speed”. A comforting message comes from Scandicci. The sender is a leather goods company, Sapaf Atelier 1954, led by Andrea Calistri. “We have successfully implemented a video conference system to keep in touch with our clients – told us the entrepreneur –. We have made distances shorter to get closer […]

Cina, le concerie riaprono, ma con il problema della liquidità

Chinese tanneries to open again despite cash problems

The Coronavirus emergency is gradually subsiding: in the meantime, Chinese tanneries are about to open again. Yet the situation is not that good of course, and it could not be otherwise. On the one hand, factories still cannot run at full speed, in terms of manufacturing; on the other hand, several companies are going to […]

UNIC’s message to the world: Italian leather doesn’t stop

A concrete declaration of “energy, courage and cognizance”. A hashtag to be spread and shared as a declaration of resistance and awareness around the world: #italianleatherneverstops. Signed by Gianni Russo, president of UNIC – Italian Tanneries. The faces of all the representatives of the association’s Presidency and General Council (in the photo). Italian leather doesn’t […]

Lanxess dice addio alla concia: la Leather Unit è in vendita

Lanxess says goodbye to tanning: the Leather Unit is for sale

After chrome, Lanxess also says goodbye to its Leather Unit (tanning). The German chemicals’ giant announced its 2019 results yesterday, and took the occasion to communicate its intention of “selling the business unit” tied to leather. Negative context Lanxess sold goods for 6.802 billion euro during 2019, in line with the previous year (6.824 billion). […]

È il lusso a salvare gli alligatori della Louisiana, dice Richemont

Luxury is saving alligators in Louisiana, says Richemont

“And so the luxury client, the top shopper, allows the conservation of Louisiana alligators, the top predators”. That of Matthew Kilgariff, director of Richemont’s Corporate Social Responsibility, looks like a joke, but it’s not. The manager, from the stage of the World Wildlife Day 2020 held on March 3rd at the United Nations in Geneva, […]

Le Figaro si chiede se vale la pena comprare pelli esotiche

Le Figaro asks itself if it’s worth buying exotic leather

The answer is yes, because it allows for the conservation of species as the economic income is also used to protect the species. The Madame section of Le Figaro asks itself whether it’s worth buying exotic leather. The French newspaper asks the question following the choices made by Chanel and Slefridges to stop using it....


Scopri l'abbonamento che fa per te tra le nostre proposte

Germany, footwear in 2019 loses 2.7%: CRV is now also a factor

The tear that passed was slightly negative for Germany’s footwear industry. The segment in the country lost 2.7% in 2019. Now there are additional challenges: but while the period appears to be difficult, the segment trust there will be a recovery in the future. That’s the summary of what said by Carl-August Seibel, president of […]

ISA TanTec raddoppia in Vietnam, apre la conceria di Tay Ninh

ISA TanTec doubles down on Vietnam and opens the Tay Ninh tannery 

ISA TanTec doubles down on Vietnam. The Asian tanner began activities in its new TanAsia Tec production site. The machines started officially running after the texts conducted at the beginning of March. The group, beside from announcing the start of the activities, also communicated that 100 employees are already working on site. Doubling down on […]

Colombia, concia e accessori soffrono mentre il Paese cresce

Colombia, tanning and accessories suffer while the country’s economy grows

Tanning and accessories in Colombia suffer. Production, sale and jobs all decreased in 2019, while other industries in the country grew an average of +3.3%. As reported by, tanneries closed the year as one of the worst segments at a national level. As a consequence, the footwear segment is also losing revenue. Tanning and […]