26 Feb 2018 Chanel joins Farfetch, while Monoprix aims at Sarenza. Wow! French brands invest in e-commerce
5 Feb 2018 E-commerce to nearly quadruple revenues by 2025, says McKinsey. Farfetch lands in the Middle East
25 Sep 2017 Alibaba wages war on fakes: dedicating an entire team to the problem and providing a 300 squared meters’ site to test the fakes
26 Jun 2017 France: terrorism alert lowers prompting tourists to return. Galeries Lafayette’s sales grow double-digit
26 Jun 2017 In China, e-commerce invoices 395 billion euros in 6 months: shoes and accessories among the most popular products
15 May 2017 LVMH unveils the name of its online portal. Zalando surprises with + 23.1% in the first quarter
15 May 2017 E-commerce evolution: YNAP (+ 19.1% in the quarter) thinks of a private label, Zalando ponders for brick-and-mortar
28 Nov 2016 A billion dollars investment for a luxury e-commerce: UAE to launch a rival to YNAP & company
21 Nov 2016 Blood and tears for Marks and Spencer: 30 stores shut down but analysts suggest the number should be higher
7 Nov 2016 ‘Less is more’: US department stores to reduce leather goods offering. “It will sell better and at full price”
5 Sep 2016 Some are going bankrupt (BHS), some are closing down (Prada, in Milan), some are going online (Macy’s): the crisis is transforming the retail world
25 Jul 2016 Alibaba and luxury: now it also wants to sell it second-hand. The business is (obviously) worth billions